
The CHIANTI-VIP Python programs will be available on GitHub at

Some programs were developed in 2016, copying some reading routines from the first version of CHIANTIPy, developed by Ken Dere. They follow step by step the IDL programs of version 8, unlike CHIANTIPy, so the same results are guaranteed.

The complexities I have introduced in the CHIANTI IDL programs for version 9, ie. the collisional-radiative modelling to calculate the satellite lines, and those I introduced for version 11 will need to be ported to the Python programs.

Work is ongoing to speed-up the Python routines, which were much slower than the IDL ones. One issue was the format of the collision rate files, hence the introduction of the FITS format.

Contributions are welcomed.

Giulio Del Zanna – 2 June 2024