User Guides – Help

For help, questions and discussions related to CHIANTI-VIP I have setup a ZULIP organisation, send me an email: giuliodelzanna at

The CHIANTI team has set up a Google Group, which is used by the team to send new announcements about CHIANTI and is also a place where users can post comments or questions. Once you’ve joined the group, questions or comments can be sent to order to join the CHIANTI Google Group, please send an e-mail to Peter Young

Here is the CHIANTI user guide written for the standard CHIANTI version 11 database and IDL programs to be used within SolarSoft:

This is the html version of the standard CHIANTI v.11.0 user guide:

This is the CHIANTI technical report for the specifics of v.11 :

Giulio Del Zanna – 13 July 2024